Search Consumer Medicines Information (CMI) A to Z Index

You can search the A-Z Index for Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) by the medicine’s brand name.

Browse by letter

Product Name Date Updated Download PDF Play Audio
cmi Vincristine Sulfate Injection
vincristine sulfate
date_range 28 Sep 2023
cmi Viramune
date_range 26 Apr 2024
cmi Viramune XR
date_range 31 Mar 2023
cmi Vivaxim
salmonella typhi vaccine; hepatitis A vaccine
date_range 25 Mar 2020
cmi Vocabria
cabotegravir sodium
date_range 25 Sep 2023
cmi Volibris
date_range 17 Feb 2021
cmi Voltaren
diclofenac sodium
date_range 10 Jan 2023
cmi Voltaren Ophtha
diclofenac sodium
date_range 10 Jan 2023
cmi Voltaren Rapid
diclofenac potassium
date_range 10 Jan 2023
cmi Voranigo
date_range 16 Sep 2024
Audio available soon


Reading the CMI does not take the place of counselling by a health professional. Always talk to your doctor or pharmacist about all aspects of your medicines, including why you are taking them and what benefits / risks you can expect.

The CMI for your medicine that is on this web site is the most up-to-date version available. It may differ from a CMI that you previously received from your doctor or pharmacist, or in your pack of medicine.

This web site does not contain all CMIs for medicines sold in Australia and not all medicines have a CMI available for them. If you do not find a CMI for your medicine on this page, contact the pharmaceutical company who makes the medicine or talk to your doctor or pharmacist. The information on this web site is intended for use in Australia only.

Note: many documents on this web site are PDF files that can be downloaded and saved. If you do not have a PDF reader, you can download one now.

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